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Phase I Development at Lobanillo Swales is Complete!

By December 4, 2017No Comments

From November 6th through 8th, the first phase of development at the association trail property, the Lobanillo Swales, took place! With the use of machinery and labor donated from Sabine County, Texas and materials donated from Big 4, Inc. in Hemphill, Texas, under the supervision of association staff, county workers undertook the project.

The first day of construction included the activities of removing an old culvert from underneath the road and replacing it with a new one, leveling and smoothing the existing roadway, and clearing underbrush for the creation of a parking area and trailhead. By day two, the lions-share of the work was done! The roadway and parking area were layered with fill and then topped with the road-base, and the trailhead was covered in fill as well. Lastly, boulders were placed to delimit the parking area and trailhead and outline the initial path toward the loop trail. (All materials, including fill, road-base, and boulders are of locally-sourced stone that blends in perfectly with the surrounding environment!) Finally, on November 8th, parking curbs were put in place to set the boundary between the trailhead and parking area, and Phase I of development was complete!

Phase II of development is slated to take place in early 2018 and will consist of the creation of a ¼ mile loop trail and the installation of site identification signs at the entrance and interpretive panels at the trailhead. A ribbon cutting ceremony for the grand opening of the site will occur soon after and will also be the kickoff of our 50th anniversary celebration of the National Trails System Act! Stay tuned to our Facebook page and website for more information.

For short, one-minute videos updates on Phase I developments, please see these links:

November 5th (Day before construction):

November 6th:

November 7th:

November 8th:

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